To meet the market development and requirement, we also offered a wide range of other promotional & advertising items. These items might not be 100% produced in-house by our own factory. But many of our clients still choose us for sourcing because of our good comprehensive service and good reputation. They would like to consider us as an agent or quality control department for them. With the support of the professional purchasing team and the hard working & picky QC team, we could help the client get the comparatively competitive price but with guaranteed quality on their promotional and advertising items. So our promotional and advertising production lines expand quickly. Except our general production lines as soft PVC items, silicon items, resin items, PU stress Reliever items, Paracord items, leather items, we’ll also keep close eyes on the recent market and update the new promotional and advertising items regularly according to the market development and needs.
So, welcome to come and visit our website once in a while, you may find something new or interesting. we could also work as a good agent for you in China, which I believe it would be pretty economic for your overseas business development and expanding.